Welcome to the 3rd day of our Road Trip South

Plan for this day is drive to Lindesnes and visit the lighthouse and then back.

Planned trip for today

Today is a simple day , 2 locations and that was it it. More just for the travel down to the southern most part of Norway..

Lindesnes Lighthouse

Had a nice drive down here. The lighthouse is a very popular place and was quite packed when we got there. Area was very nice and had its own gift shop and restaurant. Worth the ride but will try to go when there is a bit less people. 

Lindesnes fyrstasjon
5.0 (1)
Category: Lighthouses

Under Restauraunt

After the lighthouse we drove in to look at the Under restaurant. An exclusive underwater restaurant. The place is apparently booked several months in advance even now in the pandemic times. So we only got to see the outside this time. 

0.0 (0)
Category: Eating places


After leaving the restaurant we found a spot by the fjord to enjoy some lunch by the water. 

After this we drove back to the camping place, relaxed and got ready for a new day.

End of our 3rd day 🙂

NB: There will not be any 4th day as there was a storm that hit us that day. 

We stayed at the camping place all day waiting for the storm to go away. So next is day 5.


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