How to post a review ?

Press the write a review button. There will be 3 things to do

Review Title – This is not mandatory so you can skip this if you want.

Rating – Give the location a rating of how recommendable this place is for others to visit

Comments – Add your comments/review here

Press submit and your review will be posted. You can add images/media after you have submitted the review by pressing the “Add Media” button on your review.

Site Lists and User Lists

 Site lists can be used by everyone. There are 2 lists there.

  • Been Here
  • Want to go 

They are self explanatory, for places you have been to or want to go to.

User Lists are lists that are created by the users for their own use.

Press the “Read More” button on how to use them and set them up.


Photo Usage ?

If you would like to use our photos, please observe these common courtesy guidelines that are part of the intellectual property laws and Fair Use Doctrine.

1) To use any of our photos from Places2Explore to accompany an online article/blog or to share on a social media platform, the following conditions are mandatory:

  • Please credit the photo, either in a caption or somewhere in the body of the piece, as courtesy, linked back to our website.


How do I submit info to places?

If you see any missing information on the posts or incorrect info, you can do one of the following.

  • Post in the forum by going to the bottom of the post, you will see a link to the forum discussion there.
  • or press the enquiry button on the post.
  • or you can message the original poster 
    • Press their name and you will be directed to their profile page, there you can contact them.
  • or you can press the feedback button on the side

 Preferred way is to use the forum so we can easier track the changes.


Resources ?

Resources is used to show where the original information comes from.

There are 3 different categories that we use

Home page – This is a link to the home page of the owners of the location

External Resources – This is a link to a site that has gathered information/reviews for the location.

Image Resource – This is a link to the site where the image(s) originate from


How to submit new places?

Go to the sidebar menu on the right side, press the Submit new Listing link

  • Choose the category
  • Add title/name of place
  • Add location info
  • Add info on accessibility and opening hours if applicable
  • Add a description on the place

Press submit and you will be directed to a new page to add media. After that you are finished. Do not worry if you do not have all info, we will assist if needed.

Press the read more button for a full detailed guide on all the steps.