Weekend getaway in Copenhagen

Plan for this trip

Fly down on Friday and enjoy a weekend in Copenhagen.

Return on Sunday :)

Friday April 5th

First evening in Copenhagen

We flew down to Copenhagen in the afternoon. Took the train from the airport to our hotel. We stayed in Hotel Ottilia. Very nice hotel, it was part of the old Carlsberg Brewery that has been rebuilt to hotel. The whole Carlsberg area is being rebuilt as a nice hip area.

After we got settled in we took the train to the “Meat Packing District” to get food. Very hip area and being Friday it was very busy. Got some BBQ at WarPigs, ended up sitting outside and it was raining. So the meal wasn’t that enjoyable but was good. Will come again, just not on a friday evening. After that we went over to Ismageriet and had some delicious ice cream. After that we went back to the hotel by train.

Hotel Ottilia
5.0 (1)
Category: Hotels
Meatpacking District
3.7 (1)
Category: Eating places

Saturday April 6th


Carlsberg is the area where they had all the old breweries for Carlsberg so has a very industrial feeling to the area. Here are some pictures of the area around the hotel we stayed in. 

Elephant Gate
5.0 (1)
Category: Oddities

In to town

After getting pictures of the elephants we took a train in to Copenhagen.

Random stops

When we arrived in town we went to the national museum to look at a section that was dedicated to “Disneyland after Dark”. Was very interesting.

Then we wandered around abit, we stopped by some interesting statues.

After that we went to “Ripleys Believe or not” which also included and interesting H.C.Andersen museum.

St Peders Bageri

Was getting abit hungry, so stopped here to try their famous “Danish”, was very good.

St Peders Bageri
4.8 (1)
Category: Eating places


We went up the Rundetaarn, was a fun walk up to the walk and the view was awesome. There was also an interesting exhibition there for generation Y.

5.0 (1)
Category: Historic Spots


Had to try out a Danish Hotdog.

Little Mermaid

Walked over to the famous statue and got in line with many tourists to take some pictures. After that we went backin town and took a train back to the hotel to relax.

The Little Mermaid
3.0 (1)
Category: Historic Spots

H.C. Andersens Grave

First part of our evening activity was to go see H.C.Andersens grave.

Spillestedet Stengade

Last part for this day was an awesome concert with “The Answer lies within the Black Void” & “Thy Catafalque”. After this we took the train back to the hotel.

Sunday April 7th

On the last day in Copenhagen we spoiled ourself with some time in the Ancient Baths that was in the basement ofthe hotel. Aire Ancient Baths, It was amazing, so far the best ever spa experience i have had. Was well worth it and will go again. After that we checked out and took the train to the airport. A wonderful weekend getaway.

That’s all for this Trip ;)

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