Rosenborg Castle

Rosenborg Castle

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Rosenborg Castle


Øster Voldgade 4A


There is nothing I love more than seeing the turrets of a castle in the distance especially ones that I had no idea about. As we were riding the “Hop On Hop Off” bus around Copenhagen, I briefly saw them in the distance. Rosenborg Castle is different from many we have seen. While it houses many everyday items that the Danish royal family used, it held more artwork than I have seen at many others. The pictures were so beautifully painted and there were so many different types, ranging from landscape to floral among many others. The portraits were incredible. It felt like the eyes were following you around everywhere you went. The rooms are a little darker than the usual bright rooms we have seen as well. It made you notice all of the tiny things within the rooms so much more and it also made the pieces that were housed in them so much more significant. Another amazing set of items that this castle holds are the Royal Crown Jewels in a vault underneath. The vault was manned by two soldiers that had the biggest guns I have ever seen in my life. As we walked around looking at all of the amazing and expensive jewelry, we were all thinking how amazing it would be to actually wear it! As I said to the girls it is possible…the next Queen of Denmark is an Aussie girl! By Bec Wyld from Wyld Child Travel -


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