Standin’ on the Corner Park

Standin' on the Corner Park

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Standin' on the Corner Park


Kinsley Ave


Is a passing mention in a 40+ year old rock song lyric cause for civic celebration? In Winslow it sure is. When the Eagles first decided to "Take it Easy" in a song (co-written by Glenn Frey and Jackson Browne), the reference to "standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona" was just a catchy almost-rhyme.

But the song has endured on classic rock radio, a sleepytime anthem for aimless 1970s wandering. In 1999, the town of Winslow put the finishing touches on their "Standin' on the Corner" Park. The downtown corner was designed to include a life-size statue of a relaxed dude-with-guitar and a two-story Trompe L'oeil mural laying out all the critical lyrics: "a girl" and "a flatbed Ford" reflected in a storefront, along with an eagle perched on one painted window sill.


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Submitted by: Kurt
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