Plan for this trip
Here is the second part of 2 posts from a visit i had to Sandnessjøen in October for work. These are the images from day 3 & 4 up there. On day 3 i was at the hotel all day. Images are taken during the breaks i had, all taken from the hotel room. On the 4th day I got go go out and do some more testing with long exposures. The last 2 days there was busy days with travel back home, so that was it for this time.
Day 3
Random shots taken just after breakfast and then after lunch and after work. They was all taken with the R7 and a Tamron 70-300 with an RF to EF adapter.
Day 4
On this day I went out to test some long exposure with a couple variable ND filters i had. It was a failure, they was of the cheap kind was no longer any good. Have ordered new, so will try again.
After that went on a drive and took some pictures of the mountains, some moose and war memorial place. In the evening i went back to the bridge in hope of some northern lights. Got 5 pictures and then it faded away. After that i took some long exposure shots of the bridge.
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