To the Resort

Plan for this trip

Today we leave the hotel and go to the local resort for team building at work. These are the images i got in between activities. Enjoy.

Leaving the Hotel

Random shots taken after breakfast before we left to go to the resort, was a beautiful sunrise.

Arrival at the Resort and Lunch

Shots taken after arrival at the resort and in await of other colleagues. Also from lunch. Delicious fish soup with a cake.

After Lunch

After lunch we had a session with team building and checked in to our cabins. Pictures are from after our session.

After Break

Our activity for the team building was fishing, We got split into to groups and to win you had to catch the largest and also the most amount. We got 0. Here are pictures when it started and some afterwards when I took a walk around the area.

Walk before dinner

After we had finished our teambuilding, i took a walk along the road.


Pictures from just befor eour dinner and right after. Was a delicious 3 course meal with Brokkoli soup, Brisket and Rasberry mousse. 


After dinner i walked over to get a view of the sunset. Was a bit limited but still very nice.

Night Shots

Later in the evening i walked around to get some night shots.

That’s all for this day ;)

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