Start of our venture in Nordland

Plan for these days

First day, Fly up to Bodø, then relax, eat and sleep in Bodø.

Second Day, visit Saltstraumen and then drive towards Sulitjelma. After that start driving towards Mo I Rana with some stops along the way.

Tuesday July 23rd


Had a decent trip up to Bodø, was raining when we arrived. Got the rental car and drove down to our hotel downtown. After checking in and relaxing we went up to Burgasm for dinner. I wanted a burger and my wife wanted a steak but they only served burgers then. Maybe because there was a big match going on and alot of people coming there. So she got a chicken burger. Was very good.

Wednesday July 24th


After a good breakfast at the hotel we drove to Saltstraumen and got there when the current was close to its strongest. Was a very interesting experience to see natures power.

5.0 (1)
Category: Natural Landmarks


Was a nice drive up to Sulitjelma. Area around the old facilities is very pictoresque.

4.0 (1)
Category: Historic Spots

Sulitjelma Museum

Went in to the museum and got to watch a film about the area and was alot of cool artifacts in there.

Sulitjelma mining museum
4.0 (1)
Category: Museums


At the museum they recomended to go up to Jakobsbakken and try their Sellkake and Møsbrømlefse, both very good. Wife got Fish soup.


A couple more images taken at Sulitjelma on our way back down. Could easily have spent alot more time here, plenty of picture ops here.

Botn German War Cemetery

This is where the majority of german soldiers got buried that died in the secondworld war.

Botn German War Cemetery
4.0 (1)
Category: Cemeteries

War Graves

More war graves for the russians and yugoslavs.


Before going to the Blood road museum we got to wander around in the Rognan Heritage Camp. Very nice.

Blood Road Museum

An interesting museum about the struggles of building the roads during world war 2. Good guide and will look into it more.

Blood Road Museum
5.0 (1)
Category: Museums

Blood Cross

Memorial along the side of road.

Blood Cross
4.0 (1)
Category: Historic Spots

Arctic Circle

Had to stop by here as we was crossing the arctic circle.


Dunderland Prison Camp

There is not much left of this camp but can still see the foundations hidden in the grass.

Mo I Rana

Final stop of the day. Checked in at the hotel. Relaxed for a bit and was going to visit their Burgasm. But sadly they was closed by teh time we got there. Instead went to Napolis and was quite disappointed, the food we got was quite bland. Wandered around for a bit before we went back to the hotel.

That’s all for this day ;)

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